From the recording Celebrate the Music-CSP

Celebrate the Music has a two part meaning. One it is an observation of how we all treat our latest favorite song and the other is really an emotion from us celebrating the awesome opportunity to be able to create, listen and feel music within our ears, hearts and souls. We are eternally grateful for the gift we have been given.


Celebrate the music
You can sing along

As you're walking down the road, earbud in the radio
Are you in a happy mood today

Celebrate the music
You can sing along

Got it on your telephone, now you're holding it
Put it on your list of favorites

You love the tune and it's doesn't let you down
Visualize the nature of the sound

You forward it to all your friends, put it on repeat again
Listening throughout the night

You declare it is the best, even better than the rest
Now it is a hint of you

Celebrate the music
You can sing along

Gonna take a journey in your mind and heart

Celebrate the music
You are now a part
Celebrate beginnings
Nourishing your soul

Written by Cabela and Schmitt

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