
Like A Stone

Cabela and Schmitt

Permanent, stable, unmoving. Like principles, truth, friends, and love.

Yet a stone one holds in their hand can be harmless and entertaining as a skipping stone across a pond, or it can also be used for harmful intentions.

We believe the world is good…this seems to be a view shared by fewer and fewer people all the time.

With technology we hold

Permanent, stable, unmoving. Like principles, truth, friends, and love.

Yet a stone one holds in their hand can be harmless and entertaining as a skipping stone across a pond, or it can also be used for harmful intentions.

We believe the world is good…this seems to be a view shared by fewer and fewer people all the time.

With technology we hold the world in our hands. Our devices can be tools for communication, entertainment, and loving messages, but also for destruction.

We are bombarded with information, constantly…this is sometimes advantageous and sometimes detrimental. We have slipped as a world society into letting the opinion-based media, in general, influence how we think, act, and make our decisions. Yes, we all need the news to keep up with current events, but we must hold on to our God given freedom to use our own minds to form our own opinions. The bible makes it very clear what our beliefs need to be based on.
We cannot continue to foster animosity towards people who are not like us or don’t believe like us. This war must end peacefully…there will be no winner, only losers if we continue on our current course. We have chosen to put certain people and ideals above God in our lives and thus we have created a world that appears to be broken, but in reality, it is we who are broken.

What is said cannot be unsaid, what is seen cannot be unseen. But there is hope knowing love can conquer all.

All songs written, arranged, produced, recorded and performed by Cabela and Schmitt ©2022

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Dancing Shoes

Cabela and Schmitt

The "Dancing Shoes" album is a Cabela and Schmitt collection of compositions all touching on themes of life’s energy, expression, direction, and appreciation, with some spiritual perspective as well.

Cabela and Schmitt say “We are pleased to share this latest group of songs with the world, and hope our listeners enjoy the music and feel the

The "Dancing Shoes" album is a Cabela and Schmitt collection of compositions all touching on themes of life’s energy, expression, direction, and appreciation, with some spiritual perspective as well.

Cabela and Schmitt say “We are pleased to share this latest group of songs with the world, and hope our listeners enjoy the music and feel the emotion and energy”.

All songs written and performed by Cabela and Schmitt. Publishing: CD BABY PRO PUBLISHING PRO: (BMI) ©2019 Release date: 10-01-2019

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Golden Links

Cabela and Schmitt

Gratitude for all the gifts sent your way. Reflection and perseverance.

All songs written and performed by Cabela and Schmitt. Publishing: CD BABY PRO PUBLISHING PRO: (BMI) ©2019 Release date: 4-15-2019

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Cabela and Schmitt

This collection of songs includes genres of alternate, rock, folk, country and instrumental flavors.

All songs written and performed by Cabela and Schmitt. Publishing: CD BABY PRO PUBLISHING PRO: (BMI) ©2019 Release date: 10-1-2018

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Cabela and Schmitt

Our writing style is a mixture from the different genres we have enjoyed over the years. Mostly Rock/Pop/Ballad/Country/Easy Listening tendencies with a few unexpected twists.

All songs written and performed by Cabela and Schmitt. Publishing: CD BABY PRO PUBLISHING PRO: (BMI) ©2019 Release date: 6-1-2018

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